Arnold Gundersen with the latest on Fukushima, including the perilous worldwide consequences if reactor no. 4 collapses
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Arnie Gundersen
This week, Dr. Caldicott has a new conversation with nuclear engineer Arnold Gundersen about the ongoing nuclear disaster at the Fukushima plant and its effects on Japan and the rest of the world. Among the topics discussed are the little understood dangers of internal exposure to radiation. Read Dr. Caldicott’s 2011 article How nuclear apologists mislead the world over radiationin which she discusses internal emitters. Dr. Caldicott and Gundersen later discuss the new Japanese government report, The Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Report. As background, watch or read the transcript of As Japan Says Fukushima Daiichi Disaster “Man-Made” & “Preventable,” Fears Grow for Nuclear Plants Worldwide, Gundersen’s appearance on Democracy Now earlier this month. Read the articles Fukushima Still Dangerous, Unstable 500 Days Later, Japan Workers ‘Told to Lie About Radiation’, Fukushima Report Blasts TEPCO’s On-Going Failures: “I now understand what people are worried the most about is the vulnerability of the No 4 spent fuel pool” and US Infrastructure in Disarray Due to Extreme Weather, Climate Change which mentions how nuclear power plants are overheating more often.
July 28th, 2012 at 11:08 am
Helen and Arnold should be given the Noble peace prize for their work and dedication to all humanity. Bravo to you both!!!