If You Love This Planet, Dr. Helen Caldicott

Dr. Robert Moore on the promise of algae biofuels and the environmental applications of microbiology


Robert Moore

Robert Moore

This week on If You Love This Planet, Dr Helen Caldicott talks with Dr. Robert Moore, a microbiologist trained at The Australian National University and The University of Sydney. Dr. Moore now works as a freelance biotechnology consultant specialising in algae as biofuel. His unofficial discovery of a whole new phylum of algae in 2001, and his formal publication of this finding in 2008, allowed him to leverage new horizons in the emerging field of environmental microbiology. Industry is now using Dr. Moore’s research and the utility of algae is taking off as a going concern. Dr. Moore refers to a program on Australian television, Crude: The Incredible Journey of Oil. For background on algae, read the report Cultivating Clean Energy: The Promise of Algae Biofuels, watch the four-minute video A Shipload of Algae and read the articles Algae Blooms for Planes and Cars and Boeing planes successfully fly with biofuels.

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