If You Love This Planet, Dr. Helen Caldicott

Graham Thomson on the carbon capture & storage fraud; William Rivers Pitt on the right-wing think tank behind the 2003 Iraq War


Graham Thompson

Graham Thompson

In the first segment on this week’s program, Dr. Caldicott interviews Canadian columnist Graham Thomson of the Edmonton Journal about the environmental and economic impacts of the Alberta tar sands project to drill for oil, and the fallacy of carbon capture and storage as a solution to global warming. Thomson is the author of the peer-reviewed report, Burying Carbon Dioxide In Underground Saline Aquifers: Political Folly or Climate Change Fix? for the Munk Centre for International Studies. For more information on the topics in this segment, see Thomson’s Web page, the Greenpeace report False Hope: why carbon capture and storage won’t save the climate, and the Greenpeace page, Stop the Tar Sands.

William Rivers Pitt

William Rivers Pitt

In the last third of the program, Dr. Caldicott plays an interview she conducted in 2005 with writer William Rivers Pitt as part of Pacifica Radio’s The New Nuclear Danger series. Pitt is a regular contributor to the Truthout blog and the author of House of Ill Repute: Reflec-tions on War, Lies, and America’s Ravaged Reputation and War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn’t Want You to Know. Dr. Caldicott and Pitt discuss the 2003 Iraq war as well as the right-wing think tank that provided the blueprint for the Bush Administration and its military agenda. The Project for the New American Century (now the Foreign Policy Institute) advocated U.S. military domination of the globe and continuous wars to achieve such power.

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